Top Vastu Consultants in Southern Hemisphere, Vastu Consultants in Southern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere Vastu Advice, Vastu Consultant in Australia

Here are topics on: Vastu for southern hemisphere, Vastu in southern hemisphere, Vastu principles in southern hemisphere, In English by world renowned Vastu Consultant Dr. Bhardwaj Anand +91-9811656700, 9999256700, who is internationally famous.. raises a different topic on Vastu for Southern hemisphere & Vastu for Northern Hemisphere because if Vastu is an Indian Vaidic wisdom, then it should be applied equally & universally on the universe. Then Vastu for southern hemisphere and Vastu for northern hemisphere... will they be different. If no, then how to define the Vastu principles in universal context when the earth's rotation changes the surface on different period of time? Can we re-define the principles of Vastu for southern hemisphere & Vastu for northern hemisphere separately. Certainly not because the texture of the mother earth remains the same whereas only the rotation of Lord Sun is the defining factor with reference to the movement in different context when analysing the Vastu in siouthern hemisphere & Vastu in northern Hemisphere. The southern Hemi Sphere can be defined as the lower portion of the earth & northern Hemi Sphere can be defined as the upper hemisphere, BUT friends it is not OK because both of the hemispheres are on the same edge, yes we can say this is upper and this is lower hemisphere, whereas we can not categorize them as upper or as lower because earth is one unit in the free universe, and the looking angle may depend upon the person who is looking at from any angle. In fact the early people defined the shape of the earth in this way and so it makes no difference to place the earth. The geography says that the hemispheres have different alignments with the Sun, therefore few principles of Vastu Shastra may be different while talking about Vastu at southern Hemisphere & Vastu at northern hemisphere.

Vastu For Southern Hemisphere, &, Southern Hemisphere Vastu, On Youtube, About: Vastu in Southern Hemisphere by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj ji, Senior Vastu Consultant +91-9811656700, 9999256700 who is expert in Vastu with Science & Logics..क्या दक्षिणी गोलार्ध के लिए वास्तु के सभी सिद्धांत बदल जाते हैं? नहीं, ब्रम्हाण्ड व सूर्य ऊर्जा से सम्बंधित कुछ सिद्धांत पूरी तरह से बदलते हैं जबकि पृथ्वी के स्वयं से सम्बंधित यूनिवर्सल तथ्य यथावत बने रहते हैं.. तो फिर किन वास्तु फैक्टर्स को बदलें और कौन से फैक्टर ऐसे ही चलने दें... यह एक व्यापक, कठिन व तार्किक विषय है.. Vastu for southern hemisphere is a tricky question because when we talk about Indian Vastu or Vedic Vastu or about the Vaidic Vastu then we know we talk about the Traditional Thumbrules being laid down by our great ancestrs about 5000 years back. They are more centrered on the Indian continet. BUT when we go global & as a senior Vastu consultant I go to other countries many times, I find the things are not exactly happening in India from the universal forces. Then Vastu for northern hemisphere and Vastu for Southern Hemisphere need to be thought upon very wisely. In India we advise to have a thick wall in south to protect from sun.. But will this rule apply to the countries which are in southern hemisphere? NO... Not all. Basically the Vastu rules for southern Hemisphere & Vastu Principles in northern Hemisphere may vary upto some extend. Certainly all the Vastu rules are not going to change. Here the intelligence is needed so that the Vastu norther Hemisphere & Vastu Southern Hemisphere can be differentiated very wisely.

VASTU IS A UNIVERSAL SCIENCE: Is it so? in the headings like, Vastu for Southern pole, Vastu Shastra for Southern Pole, &, Southern & Northern Hemisphere Vastu, has to take care about the southern pole Vastu and Vastu for southern pole. Vastu has other topic like Vastu for northern pole is also an interesting topic. Dear viewers, you are watching the video on Youtube Vastu in which Dr Anand Bhardwaj defines in details the Vastu for southern hemisphere & Vastu for northern hemisphere. Both hemisphere are different as per geography & so as per Vaastu. Vastu Shastra for the poles & Vastu Shastra for the hemispheres is of great interest in the people who are qualified & want to know about Vastu principles change in southern hemisphere. Why it happens. Do all the Vastu principles for Southern hemisphere and Vastu for northern hemisphere shall remain the same? it is to be taken care when as a Vastu consultant you are trying to move in the northern hemisphere and the Vastu principles for norther hemisphere and southern hemisphere may change. Can anyone tell the reason or logic behind this universal phenomena? Can anyone explain properly the Vastu for southern hemisphere 100% correct. Or can he explain the 100% Vastu for northern Hemisphere. Yes, it can be done with the maximum presence of mind. Vastu principles in southern hemisphere and Vastu principles in northern hemisphere greatly depend upon many factors and they may be like Indian Vastu or it may not be as per Indian Vastu. This is all the clarity about these two basic or fundamental principles of Vastu changing in the southern hemisphere. What rules of Vastu change in southern hemisphere and what all rules do not change in southern hemisphere? Explaining these things in the YouTube videos separately in 29 minutes video available on the net by Dr Anand Bhardwaj, the great Vastu consultant,.Vaastu (Or it can be written as Vastu... or Vastu Shastra) Consultants on youtube..


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