Coronavirus-कोरोना वायरस(COVID-19)एक विश्वव्यापी एमर्जेन्सी-Message By Vastu Expert Dr.Anand Bhardwaj

आजकल कोरोना वायरस बीमारी-एक विश्वव्यापी एमर्जेन्सी बन चुकी है FEW highlights by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj, वास्तुशास्त्री. He is one of the senior-most Vastu consultants. हमेशा मांगे हैं हमने सरकार और प्रशासन से अपने अधिकार- आज वक्त है अपने कर्त्तव्य को निभाने का- एक ऐसा कर्तव्य जो हमारे लिए, परिवार के लिए, देश व दुनिया के लिए अति-आवश्यक है। Often people are asking as What is Coronavirus and few others are searching the Symptoms of Coronavirus BUT there is no known fast recovery pills discovered till date. In few countries the search on Vaccination for Coronavirus or the perfect and fool proof Treatment of Coronavirus is also becoming the very alarming question. Our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi sent a message on all national TV channels regarding self-control & determination. Mr. Narender Modi also told the people to refrain from gathering. आओ- एक नज़ीर बना दें देश के साथ ऐसे वक्त में- दिलोजान से। ऊपर उठें जाति, धर्म, एरिया, लिंग भेद व ओछी राजनीति से और दिखा दें पूरे संसार को कि हम सबसे पहले हैं एक नेक इंसान और उद्देश्य है हमारा - वसुधैव कुटुंबकम-। The neat and clean environment be maintained on every site. The Prime Minister of India Mr. Narender Damodardas Modi also requested people to use hand sanitizer and face mask so that this disease of coronavirus does not spread person to person. Coronavirus disease which is also called dangerous is going to be tackled by each person. What is Covid-19 and what is the full form of COVID-19 is also being searched which stands for Corona Virus Disease. Let us discuss few points on Vastu for COVID-19 including Vastu tips for Coronavirus. If there shall be any Home Remedies of Coronavirus, people shall know BUT till date the possibility of its particularly made medicine is very difficult to find. Yes, in coming time the scientist may discover the Medicines for the cure of Coronavirus. How to test Coronavirus at home and Ayurvedic Treatment of Corona virus are also being given priority. The homeopathy treatment of coronavirus may also be tested soon. When Coronavirus will end as well as Herbal cures of coronavirus are essential to be searched. Everyone should be hopeful for the remedies of Coronavirus. Now the question standing in front of us is Next phase of coronavirus in India & other countries. Medicines for coronavirus may be discovered by the medico people & let us hope for the time Free of Corona Virus. The PM of India Mr. Modi has also given stress on maintaining the self-discipline & determination. He told that the people should refrain to gather the crowd & stop any Dharma demonstration etc. Which is neither in the benefit of community, nor nation nor humanity. I strongly agree with Modi Ji’s views & support it whole heartedly. As a Vastu Consulta I feel that we should cooperate our government to defeat this dreadly disease. Vastu Shastra also supports this expedition to defeat corona virus. There are many chances that the epidemic ends fast. Vastu consultants should join hands with the great ‘Muhim’ initiated by our PM Mr. Narendra Damodardad Modi. Thanks #whatiscoronavirus #symptomsofcoronavirus #vaccinationforcoronavirus #treatmentofcoronavirus #coronavirusdisease #whatiscovid-19 #vastuforcovid-19 #vastutipsforcoronavirus #homeremediesofcoronavirus #howtotestcoronavirusathome #ayurvedictreatmentofcoronavirus,.homeopathytreatmentofcoronavirus #whencoronaviruswillend #herbalcuresofcoronavirus #nextphaseofcoronavirus #medicinesforcoronavirus #bestcureofcoronavirus #coronavirusmainsymptoms #whatiscoronavirustest #howtoidentifycoronavirussymptomsathome #vastu #vastushastra #vastuconsultantsforcoronavirus #vastu #vastuconsultantindelhi #vastuforhome #vastuforhouse #vastuforcoronavirus #vastu&coronavirus Follow us on Facebook: Join us on Linkedin: Follow Us on YouTube Channel: Follow us on Stumbleupon: Google+: Addressing Speech Email us at: Contact us at: +91-9811656700, or +91-9999256700 (New Delhi, India) Visit us on our websites:


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